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2021 Keltern ICON Chardonnay

2021 Keltern ICON Chardonnay

Villa Maria Estate


Pris pr. stk v. min. 6 stk 479,-

Om 2021 Keltern ICON Chardonnay

Producent Villa Maria Estate
Oprindelse New Zealand , Hawkes Bay
Type Hvidvin
Drue Chardonnay
Størrelse 75 cl
Alkohol 14,50 %
Kollistørrelse 6
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Levering 1-2 hverdage


96 point - Vinous, Rebecca Gibb: "Cuddling skinny people is no fun at all. I wouldn't want to hug me - there's nothing to get hold of, but the 2021 Chardonnay Keltern has curves in all the right places and plenty of substance to hold on to in its middle. Sumptuous is probably a good word to describe the ripe and creamy, full body, but don't get the impression this is a soft pudding of a wine. Its rich power is held like a vise, keeping its shape and allowing for a firm, almost relentless finish. In the elite of New Zealand Chardonnays, the 2021 proves it rightly deserves its place."

97 point - Wine Orbit, Sam Kim

96 point - Cameron Douglas

95 point - James Suckling

5 stjerner - Michael Cooper

Her får du en af New Zealand’s fineste Chardonnay’er fra enkeltmarken Keltern Vineyard i Hawkes Bay. Den imponerer med sin klassiske, elegante stil enhver Chardonnay-fan. Vinen er delikat og tæt pakket med aromaer af nektariner, grapefrugter, blomster, figner, flint og røg. Smagen er kompleks og raffineret og slutter af med en lang, appetitvækkende finish.

Villa Maria Estate er kåret som 2023' 20th Most Admired Wine Brand in the world by Drinks International.

Villa Maria Estate er kåret som NZ Winery of the Year af Winestate, New Zealands førende vinmagasin. ​Det er 16. gang ud af 21 mulige!

Winestate: “Villa Maria has a special place in the New Zealand wine world, and its claim to be New Zealand’s most awarded winery is easy to justify”.

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Anmeldelser af 2021 Keltern ICON Chardonnay

96 point
Wine Orbit97 point
Bob Campbell MW95 point
Cameron Douglas MS96 point
Michael Cooper5 stjerner
James Suckling95 point